Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) AGW-Protection

In the media, a wide variety of information is currently circulating about the CORONA virus that has occurred in China. From garlic cures to sugar withdrawal to antibacterial cleansing with hand sanitizer. The real danger posed by the corona virus is often kept in secret to avoid panic among the population. We also don't want you to turn your life upside down. However, being informed and alarmed means: taking precautionary measures, doing the right thing and: avoiding danger.
The fact is: there is no 100% security protecting yourself from the virus. Prevention and concrete steps can nevertheless help to limit the spread and to limit contaminacion. The current status is that the health authorities are already overloaded because the population feels insufficiently informed.
Chemistry is not the only way to stop its spread. The human being is part of nature and must be seen, understood and treated in a holistic way.
Over the past few days and weeks we got overwhelmed by request how and whether we can help through our holistic approach.
We are therefore very pleased to be the first institute to be able to offer effective energetic relief steps and protective measures.
The bundled energetic protective shield we created is based on two modes of action:
1. Activation and potentiation of the body's defenses
2. Blockage of the receptors to which the Sars-CoV-2 virus docks and spreads in the body.
These two factors are the best prerequisites for avoiding and preventing infections. The corona protective shield is a combination protection developed by AGW Academy of Spiritual Sciences and is from now on available to you and your family so as not to fall victim with the fatal disease Covid-19.
Thanks to the intensive work in times of SARS expansion, we were able to build on the knowledge internally and thus react quickly at short notice to be able to offer you this protection exclusively. Protect yourself and your family before it's too late.
Talk to us or write to us:
Advise: Our products and services are no medical advice and are no replacement for it
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